How are the routes sorted?
Routes are sorted by the total cost of cross-chain from low to high by default. You can also click the drop-down menu in the upper right corner of the route results, select Fastest, and sort by the time spent across the chain from least to most; select Highest TVL, and sort by cross-chain bridge TVL from high to low.
Is the amount of assets shown in the route the expected amount to arrive?
Yes, the amount of assets displayed on the left side of the route is the amount that the asset will eventually be received after crossing the cross-chain bridge to the destination chain.
Does the time displayed in the route refer to the time required for cross-chain?
Yes, it represents the estimated time it will take you to use the cross-chain bridge to cross assets from the source chain to the destination chain.
Do the dollars shown in the route refer to cross-chain fees?
Yes, it represents all the fees you expect to spend to use the cross-chain bridge to cross assets from the source chain to the destination chain, including Swap fee, Bridge fee, and the GAS cost spent on the source or destination chain if your chosen chain is ETH.
What does No Token mean?
The cross-chain bridges have not yet issued tokens. After checking it. only the routes that have not yet issued tokens will be displayed in the route results
Is there a basic introduction to the cross-chain bridges supported?
Yes, when you hover the mouse over the name of the cross-chain bridge, the basic information of the cross-chain bridge will pop up. We have included the audit, TVL, financing, community, and other information of the cross-chain bridge.
What does TVL in the basic information of the cross-chain bridge mean? What does Rank mean?
TVL is the total dollar value of the assets locked by the cross-chain bridge on the chains it supports. The data comes from Defilama. Rank refers to the TVL ranking among the cross-chain bridges we support.
How can I see more information about bridges and asset?
Click the cross-chain bridge name to jump to the corresponding official website. Click on the asset name with the contract address to jump to the corresponding Scan to view the asset.
Last updated